Half-Marathon Training: Week Eight

nyc_half_w8I can’t believe I’m at week eight already – the first two months have zipped by but it’s clear from my recent runs that the program is working. The speed sessions have given me the ability to produce an extra kick when really needed and the long runs have gradually increased my stamina.

The biggest challenge this week will be the ten mile run at the weekend, but this should not present any major difficulties following my recent 9 mile run and provided I follow my typical run-day preparations. My training plan prescribes a tempo run on Tuesday, followed by a typical 5 mile effort on Wednesday. Monday and Thursday will again be reserved for strength and cross training, incorporating cycling and swimming respectively. Saturday is going to be a short paced run, followed by that long 10 mile effort on Sunday morning. As last week, I may switch the order of the two weekend runs depending on other commitments.

Although I have maintained a consistent level when it comes to the bicycle cross training, the workload during swimming practice on Thursdays has increased each session. I expect this to continue as my coach pushes me to learn the basic strokes and develop both kick and arm strengths, so I am curious to see how this effects my running.